Caste census in all districts of Bihar from today

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Survey will be done in two phases

The caste-based enumeration work is going to start from January 7 in the state. In its first phase, only houses will be counted. A target has been set to complete this process by January 21. After its report is ready, the process of the second phase will start, in which people will be counted on the basis of caste. In the first phase, only those houses will be counted in which people are living. Shelters of people living in slums, roads, dams and other such places will also be counted.

One enumerator has been appointed for every 700 population or 150 houses in the entire state to complete the house enumeration. A supervisor has been posted for every six enumerators. After collecting all the data at the district level, it will be sent to the General Administration Department for preparing its consolidated report. A special section number has been created for this in the department. During counting, houses will be listed by marking them serially. To do this work successfully, all the workers from district to village level have been trained. The DM of all the districts is the Principal Enumeration Officer cum Nodal Officer. Teacher, clerk, MNREGA, Anganwadi, Jeevika etc will play the role of enumerator. More than two lakh personnel have been engaged in the task of counting houses in the entire state. Counting will be done considering houses, houses or shelter as units.

10 to 12 questions will be asked During the second phase calculation, there will be 10 to 12 questions including caste, sub-caste, name, address, father’s or husband’s name, gender, age. These will be filled in a prescribed format by asking the enumerators.

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The second phase will start after the completion of the first phase of the enumeration work. Its date has not been announced yet. As such, the government had targeted to complete the first phase of counting by the end of February, but due to various reasons like examinations in schools, budget session, there may be slight changes in it. The date for the second phase will be announced after the report of the first phase is ready.

Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has said that we wanted the caste census to be done at the national level, but the central government did not agree. We have taken the decision of caste based census in Bihar from our level. After the caste census is done here, the information will be given to the center as well. This will go a long way in the development of the country and the upliftment of every section of the society. The Chief Minister was talking to reporters in Shivhar on Friday. Said- Many times people tell their sub-caste instead of caste. In such a situation, information will be taken from the person living next to him. With this, the number of all castes will be counted in true sense. The government will also know about the economic condition of the people. This will help in initiating plans for their development.

Credit: Hindustan

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