*It is Necessary to Maintain the Dignity of the Islamic Center: Siraj Qureshi* *Electing able Individuals will be in the Interest of the Center: SM Khan*

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[New Delhi, May 31:The Indian Islamic Cultural Center (IICC), a hub of Indian civilization and culture, is currently abuzz with election activities for its office bearers. Siraj Qureshi, who has been the president of the IICC for the past twenty years, stated that his only wish is for educated, experienced individuals who are committed to the betterment of society and the country to be part of the new team, so that the dignity of the IICC is further enhanced. Mr. Qureshi said that when he took charge of the center, it was in ruins and had significant debt.

The founders of the center entrusted him with the responsibility, and with complete honesty and the support of distinguished members of the Muslim community, he transformed the center into a grand building, giving it recognition both nationally and globally. He consistently organized dialogue programs to foster a harmonious environment among people of different religions. Members of all faiths were made part of the center, and festivals of all religions were celebrated annually. Eminent personalities from across the country and the world were invited to engage in discussions with members of the community. Mr. Qureshi noted that it would be an understatement to say that he donated 51 Lakh rupees to the IICC twenty years ago. He believes that Allah has made him capable of serving society and the country with integrity, and he finds joy in doing so. Mr. Qureshi expressed his desire for the new team not only to continue his work but also to elevate the IICC to new heights.

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An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for June 2, where the financial report for the previous year will be presented, and the date for the election of the new committee will be announced. The election is likely to be held on August 11, with the vote counting taking place the following day, August 12.

SM Khan, who has served as the Press Secretary to former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, spokesperson for the CBI, Director General of DD News, and Press Registrar of RNI, stated that the new IICC team should comprise visionary and clean-image individuals to ensure that the center’s operations not only continue smoothly but also initiate many good works for society and the country. Mr. Khan emphasized that maintaining the IICC’s special status both nationally and internationally should be the primary responsibility of the new team. He expressed hope that, like previous elections, this election too would be conducted in an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

Dr M Rahmatullah, Accredited Journalist. Mb. 9818462389

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